Boo Koo has fallen on hard times. The drink company has said their problems lie in carving out a unique niche, rather than living in the wake of monster and Red Bull. Their sales have dropped by a tremendous amount and they are shaking things up at the upper management level, as well as renaming and refocusing. These tidings are not so great for the publicly traded energy drink brand, and unfortunately, that might mean this drink might not be around much longer. With NOS being bought out by Coke, the future of Punch flavored energy drinks is shaky. In the case of BooKoo, it’s going to be a real shame if this one goes the way of Omega’s line of drinks(Coke purchased the line and halted its production)
Buzz/Nutrition: 7
Well, there are some real pros and some real cons with this drink. The big happiness of this drink is the buzz you will get from it. While not over the top explosive, if you use the other BooKoo drinks as a comparison it would have around 240mg of caffeine. It certainly does give a nice boost – although it can be a bit jittery. I also expect a hard crash because of the High fructose corn syrup used as a sweetener. Boo Koo Punch is full of calories, over 240 per can, which is indicative of using hfcs to sweeten things up to this level. IT then goes over the syrup and adds even more sweetener with sucralose (splenda) as well. There is the full Energy Drink Mix in here, with a TON of taurine, b vitamins, Ginseng, inositol, etc…
Wow is this drink sweet. This one puts NOS to shame, which is saying something. The HFCS, Taurine and sucralose add up to one very strong and tangy punch – like licking a berry punch flavored Fun-Dip. Sometimes, this is what is called for – when you have to feed that sweet tooth, or need to give in to a summer indulgence. The bright red, slightly carbonated punch flavor is a candy drink with a unique flavor – very different tan the usual Red Bull/orange/citrus/pomegranate flavor of most other energy drinks. While not an every day drink, I can see going for this one when that sweet tooth hits.
Boo Koo always does great packages. This one is no exception, blazing red from the refrigerated drink cooler. The flames and fonts get lost in the bright shine – but it does not even matter to the overall scheme. Problem with this one is that’s the can. You have the design twice, so there is no problem with displaying the cans wrongly in the store. There is no slogan or info, and no label of the Mystery Caffeine Content.
Website:7 –
Its fine. Completely what was expected. Overuse of Newcastle, and gothic fonts, DJ illustrator work with a distressed grunge background. There is a shop where you could buy some Boo Koo stuff, but nothing particularly amazing. It looks like what a design team would put together for appealing to teens/18-34 year old males. It completely lacks originality or creativity, instead opting for the easy out.