My first impression before opening up this can was not that grwat, admittedly. The can is a plain metal, with a wierd logo under a
Year: 2008
infused water – energize
This appears to be the only caffeinated variety of drinks from Owater, the company that makes a bunch of other interesting water flavors. Three are
Dickens Energy Cider
Without any doubt, the very best thing about this drink is the packaging and name, which makes me so filled with adolescent silliness! Sure, the
Guru energy drink
Mindlessly wandering the aisles of my local natural foods store a number of years ago, I came upon this most interesting can. Now me being
BibiCaffè italian espresso drink
Rockstar is puling all their srinks right off the market. Monster has decided to have a massive takeover of De Sarro & Torchia’s drink plant
Tilt Energy Drink
Already I was wary… it looked like sparks, but gave off the distinct impression of aq slick marketing campaign. Naw, I thought to myself –
kaboom infinite enrgy
Kaboom has a number of good things going for it – mainly the organic-iness of the liquid inside of the can. Outside, the can and
Hi-Ball Energy Water
Updated post for another Hi Ball flavor Anyone remember new york seltzer water from the 80’s? it was a wildly poplular ultra hip yuppie drink,
Joose tropical caffeinated malt beverage
Joose is some pretty powerful stuff – full of caffeine and loads of alcohol. Fortunately for my taste buds, this has a very strong flavor
Throwdown Rampage Energy
“If you’re giving it everything you’ve got and throwing caution to the wind knowing if you get knocked down you’re going to get back up