418 energy shot

John Layfield was considered to be one of the biggest stars of wrestling. This powerhouse held the belt for a very very long time – and is without a doubt a major superstar. That was one of the major points for this new energy shot. It is about an extreme sport – one filled with pain – a sport filled with tears and intense matchups while wearing bizarre getups. It is a sport performed on little electric carts by geriatrics and drunks where they hit a little ball with sticks. Thats right – the big awesome sport JBL’s new drink is for is golf – the most-boring-to-watch-next-to-professional-bowling kinda-sport, where no one gets clotheslined, no one ever gets called into penalty boxes and the goal is about birdies, not power-leg-locks.

“418 Energy is a much more than just an energy drink, it’s a performance drink but some call it magic in a bottle,” said John Layfield, President. 418 Energy is about getting golfers help with an anti-inflammatory medication and between 100 – 180mg of caffeine. Well, I tried this on a non-golfing day – where I was just needing a pep. One of my associates (spelled guinea-pig) was a golfer and dutifully took it out with him to see if it really would improve his swing, as the bottle states it would do. In a way, I hope it does nothing for him – becuase I believe they stopped making it. It would be kinda funny if this drink actually works like a “magic bottle” and it gets pulled from the shelf – forever going down in history as the Fabled Ultimate Golf Drink that no one can have, boosting the drink to mythic status.

Dave put it best, when he said it was Manischewitz and prune juice. I was thinking that is a really great idea for a flavor! I have spent time in the land of invisible drivers, off the coast of West Palm Beach ( all you see in those cars are a pair of peeking glasses and a tuft of blue hair) and was not at all surprised that all of the retirement villages I spent there ( I have now spent my summers in 3 retirement villages in Florida) all of them have nice big golf courses. What better drink to keep all the geriatrics regular than a big daily dose of prunes and kosher wine! The bottle says this is supposed to be berry flavored. It reminds me of passover, only all those glasses of wine were concentrated into one tiny 2oz shot, with all the alcohol removed to get rid of all the fun.

I do like all the stuff that is packed in here – there is some really good homeopathic medicines in here which can help you,even though the amount of thse there is in this drink is laughably low. Cat’s Claw is a fantastic herb used for overall health and swelling. For general immune and prevention benefits, practitioners usually recommend 1 g daily of vine powder in tablets or capsules. The dose goes up from there depending on your condition. This stuff has XXXXXXX. So you would need to down xxxxxxxxxx of this before reaching enough. same goes with all their ingredients, though as a gimmick, adding bacopa monniera (to increase concentration) to the usual energy drink mix ( taurine, glucuronolactone, L-Carnitine) was pretty cool – even if they don’t do much.

In terms of energy, Dave had nothing. He did not see any energy buzz, any lack of pain and certainly no imrpovement of score. He actually scored a 50 that day, which means nothing to a person mired in sports that have referees – or even spotters ( although I suspect a 50 is bad). I am am bit more sensitive to caffeine than him, and would judge this as having about a monster’s or red bull equivalent of 160-180mg. I know this has around that much from things mentioned about this drink – even though their website is officially down.

So this is the reason this product went in the toilet. Understanding the market is soo essential to making things like this work. Look at your drink base. You have a golfing drink that tastes like prune juice and Kosher wine. Sounds like a built in audience. You went for sleek, smooth and technical. Jonny Bubby, you missed the mark entirely. If it were not for the golf balls you would never know this was a golfing drink! I have helped out your relaunch with something to catch their eye. so have fun and golf already, while I just sit here sweating over a hot computer writing reviews for you – even though you never call, and only sometimes write

Seriously, The information is nice, although points off for not listing the caffeine amount. Thanks for the info on the defunct site and phone number too. Thanks as well for the samples to try out – sorry you disappeared.

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