It’s about time. Caffeine fueled cookies are among one of the best keto snacking ideas. More than that, these are DAMN GOOD caffeinated cookies. These seem to be a California product, sold in convenience and grocery stores around the Sacramento area. Don’t mourn though, I got these from, who sells them by themselves and in the baskets too.
When I saw the package at first, I was pretty skeptical. I mean, cookies out of those foil packs are rarely good. Otis Spunkmeyer cookies were never good enough to eat, and even Grandma’s foil wrapped treats were just one small step above sweetened plywood. So when I saw these in that same foil packaging, I was not expecting them to taste anything resembling actual cookies.
I was sooo wrong! OMG these are tasty – like a really tasty chocolate mocha drink poured into a soft succulent baked good. and the best part is the caffeine buzz you get from them is real and strong. Strike that, the best thing is the real and strong buzz comes from only top ingredients that I could find in my kitchen. The caffeine took me a while to even find in the ingredients list – as they just list coffee – not any added caffeinated substance. I am glad these came in just a 2 pack – if there were more I dont think I could have stopped eating them – and at 2 cookies per cup of coffee, going through a box of them would be a very dangerous thing.
2 cookies have 1 cup of coffee in them. Looks like they baked the coffee in the mix, and the cookies have definite energ in them. Not overpawering, but certainly noticeable. They purposely did not want to do a bigtime caffeine blend in these – and really anything over 100mg for a pastry would be too much. I got maybe 2 hours of energy out of it – which aint bad for a couple cookies. Not to mention it is even certified Orthodox Kosher.
In tems of nutrition, the only thing I found in here I was not happy with was a little high fructose corn syrup, listed seventh in thirteen ingredients. Basically, this has all the basics you need for a cookie( flour, chocolate chips, sugar, white chips, eggs, coffee, baking soda, and vanilla) only they substituted the water for coffee, and balanced it all out with molasses and raisin paste. Sure, there are 300 calories in here too, but come on. Its a cookie – not Kashi.
Don’t need to keep blathering about – they are freaking awesome.
Nice and clean, definitely going after the coffee crowd more than the energy crowd – whch works. Its a foil cookie package- there is only so much you can do. Picture looks good – fonts look good, decent job all around. The complex color scheme certainly does get across that these are for grownups, not kiddie treats. Even so – I wonder if there should be some sort of warning on here for parents that this will get their kids wired up if they eat them…
This in -house website is pretty decent – although nothing over the top amazing. They definitely have a solid and easy to use website, but it lacks any real sexiness to make you go there more than once. Still, everything works, the code and pictures are up to snuff, and although it is not close to a destination site, for a basic business website it does it’s job
Great Picture is from
Caffeination Review
foodluvin review