Red Devil Light

Just because you are feeling naughty, does not mean you have to feel guilty too. That is why I am especially happy to find Red Devil light. Just because you have a red devil burning up inside of you doesn’t mean you are not conscious of watching your figure. That is one of the best reasons to drink Red Devil Light.

Born in 1995 in a lab in the Netherlands, Red Devil is supposedly the Number 1 energy drink in Russia, number 2 energy drink in E.U. countries such as the Netherlands and Luxembourg. This is much like the non-light version, except cleaner looking and cleaner tasting. Gone is the high fructose corn syrup as well as the bright red packaging. In place is a very stripped down version – very unique taste and very nice caffeine buzz.

This tastes much like the original one does, where there is just a hint of sweetness buried in this mountain of flavor. This tastes like a berry Red Bull, only lacking much in the way of sugars. While this is not for the AMP or Monster crowd, this one lacks the sucralose Ace-K flavor, and just cut down on the amount of sugar added. It is by no means bitter or sour – just tart. The aftertaste is decent though, leaving your mouth with a nice fruity finish.

I know I have the placebo affect working on me here. Looking at the can’s European counterpart, I don’t see any way this has over 160mg in the can -but it does not really matter. I felt very rejuvenated and quite bumped up after drinking a can of this – and the effect it had on me was almost immediate. It felt like I just downed a quad shot espresso, although the effect was pretty short lived. After about 2 1/2 hours I was on a search for more energy. I did not have any sort of crash, but the feeling it gave was good enough that I wish I had another!

Ingredients wise, this is colored red bull looking using elderberry extract, caramel, FD&C yellow 5. Keeping with the unhealthy image of this drink, it is loaded with preservatives to go with your food dye. It does have a ton of vitamin c and vitamin B in it, so it is not all bad, but this certainly ain’t no Steaz.

This is still covered with slogans in many languages, including Russian and Spanish. I like the European version of this can better, but this still works. I like the big comic devil on the front, presenting itself as an irreverent energy drink. Any can with “world’s best tasting energy drink” written on the label must not take itself that does not take itself very seriously.No listing of caffeine though – which is not cool. They redesigned how this looks for American audiences, which I feel is a big mistake. The European version of this looks much cooler, even though it is in a smaller can. I wish they had the time of the rights to just spruce up that original can – I am sure it would sell much better.

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