Amp Energy Sugar Free

I have had Amp for many many years, but have never been really attracted to them because of the calories involved. Well, about a year ago pepsiCo finally made a sugar free variety of it, and I fell in love. Now not necessarily with the kick, although it is fair, and the can, which is also pretty nice, but the flavor of sour apple jolly ranchers, only not as sickly syrups and sweet as an actual melted candy. I am very glad that they upped the size of the drink – don’t think a little 8oz wonder would have been enough to get me over the can of Joose I forced down last night.

This drink has lots and lots of guarana seed extract – which while it has caffeine, is a very differing amount than straight caffeine – which this drink has too. So all we know is that the drink has over 150mgs in a can. how much more is not listed. I do know this much, however, the buzz is noticeable, but light. It did not cure my morning hangover, but settled it down to a mild ache. No nutritional value to be found here, save for the usual EDM (energy drink mix – taurine, B, Niaicin, ginseng) But that’s OK. I get the same effect from drinking 3 mountain dews – which I always manage to do regardless. The mountain dew crash is here as well, leaving me droopy about 3 hours after ingesting

liquid candy. This is so yummy – one of the most candyful treat drinks out there. I would rather have one of these than a pack of bubble gum, or a pack of Skittles.
Packaging: 8
TracyLocke did a great job with this look – a nice revamp of the mountain dew and amp look and feels. not sure what a big flame has to do with being Amped up, but it looks good in techno/rave/extreme-sports clothing and apparel, so it does not matter.

official site

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