OK – I like Target. I know they are a big ultra-even megaconglomerate and they do all sorts of stuff – jacking their prices and being mean to the lowly teenage serfs forced to work there. But I still find myself there time and time again for anything that I cant find at my local thrift store. If it has to be new ( still cant buy secondhand underclothes – my sense of thrift cant overtake my sense of Ick) I am left to wander the endless aisles of my local TuperMegaTarget for it, with my kids clamoring for toys and dazzled by all the shiny new things along the way.
This is when I was introduced to the Archer Farms Line, Targets own brand of foods made just for me – and they look all shiny and new – and even their website has lots of cows and a big dairy on it, so they must be healthy too. So when I found they made an energy drink, I had to rush over to my local store and find me some – and I even found them on the cheap, 80 cents a can – not on sale.
This seems to be slightly above the level of a caffeinated orange pop. What attracted me the most about this drink is the 80 cents they charged for it, really. SO even if this was going to be as craptastic as I imagined it would be, at least I was not paying a premium energy drink price for it. Well, it was completely worth the price. Now if this drink were priced the same amount of other energy drinks, I would feel completely ripped off. The taste was a slightly sour orange crush – and very HFCS tasting. Really, this was a glorified pop – all my kids thought it was soda upon tasting as well. SO why would you drink this? Well, you wouldn’t, or shouldn’t. Just buy a nice soda, or a better energy drink. This is one of the Target offshoots shat should have never ever hit the shelves.
Buzz: 4
There is only about 50 mg of caffeine in the can – pretty worthless as a pick me up. And without any other sources of energy , like guarana, taurine, or even ginseng, this drink falls even below mountain dew for energy.
Website:https://sites.target.com/site/en/supertarget/archer_farms.jsp – 2
Their minisite is part of target – and almost works. Major flaws are a complete lack of information and Lumping all their specialty items into one group – rather than tell you about anything in particular about the food you are eating. It looks real pretty, but I could not find out anything other than they were the ones who produced the drink. If you are going to market this brand, actually market it – just don’t mention it halfheartedly in your minisite, or just don’t put it out at all. The Archer Farms site is really nifty, but the energy drink portion blows.
This product screams energy drink like a can of of Perrier screams energy drink. DO you people there know what energy drinks are supposed to look like? Even what a soda pop looks like? I really did not know if I was buying an ED or if I was buying a juice concentrate. Please please take at least another half day in photoshop before trying to get this one off the shelves – The can looks very old fashioned, and very plain – with no information on the can, so website to go to, and as little product information as they could get away with and still have it legal.