Bacchus-D Energy Drink

This is a Korean concoction by the also delightfully named “Dong-A” corporation. In korea this drink is absolutely huge – representing 5% of the ENTIRE pharma market there. Bacchus was first created over 35 years ago as a revolutionary new health supplement by pharma giant Dong-A. Since then, it’s been improved and refined and is now being re-released everywhere as an energy drink sold to the international youth scene. Back in the 80’s this was known to non-Korean Americans mainly serving in the military overseas, where is was seen as a party drink and hang-over remedy.

I really appreciate the woman at the convenience store for handing me a sample of this – my very first Asian energy drink… I was very excited to try this – seeing as it has even been recently recalled because of certain people’s allergies to royal jelly.My guess is they needed to add more warnings for those people who dont read ingredients on energy drinks. The thing that gets me is that this drink has been out for 35 years and is recalled now? Seems a bit too late for that…
The drink comes in this tiny 3oz medicine bottle – and even tastes like medicine. After slamming down the bottle I felt nothing. yep – all that mistique for not even a little rush. Why? regardless of the taurine content this drink has only 30mg of caffeine. I would have been better off drinking lipton fountain drink syrup. Its such a shame too – as the fantastic bottle and interesting ingredient list seem very inviting.

This drink has a dark yellow color, is non carbonated and has a strange aroma. This drink seems more befitting a medicine closet than a cooler shelf. The flavor is part cough syrup, part red bull – but not as syrupy and hard to shoot down as you would imagine. I pictured this pouring out like pancake syrup – but it was not half bad. I could definitely see drinking more of these if it turned out to supply more energy than it did.

Bacchus-D comes in a 100 mL glass bottle that definitely looks more like an elixir from the 1800s more than an energy drink found fresh on a specialty grocery shelf. I an sorely tempted to keep this bottle around – even though I am usually good about recycling my old packaging. There is something very nostalgic about this bottle – like a leftover from Woolworths or Payless Drugstore. Of course there is almost no information on the bottle, listing the contents but no caffeine amount, website, numbers or slogan. But I think it would lose some of its charm if it did.

30.03mg of caffeine from tropical guarana? Ill bet that is something not found in the 1973 version. Neither would that kind be sweetened with High Fructose Corn syrup. But at least it contains its share of Mystery Ingredients, including royal jelly and apple juice. It does have all the stuff found in energy drinks as well – taurine, inositol, and a host of vitamin B complex. I just wish this pick-me-up and more pick-me-up.

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