Blood energy drink

After around 400 energy drinks, Harcos has released one of the most novel energy drinks I have ever seen. Harcos, the makers of Mana and Health Energy Potion, has released Blood, a vampire friendly energy shot guaranteed to amuse most everyone, and disgust the rest. Blood enery Potion comes in an IV blood bag, with even a little hold in the top to make it easy to hang upside down like a real IV. There are Vampiric in-jokes all over the package, along with bloody fingerprints, instructions for heating to human blood temperature and grosses anyone out when walking around sucking on it. To be honest, you don’t need to be a vampire to be long-lived, strong and resilient over the years, it’s silly really, all you need is a good routine, good protein intake accompanied by T-booster supplements. There still a lot of other alternatives instead of being a vampire and drink that “potion”, you can opt to take best testosterone booster that are dietary supplements that are designed to increase testosterone levels in men.


You can see all the time Harcos has put into their potion. They made their liquid look and feel like real blood, got their ingredients to mimic blood’s properties, and built a website worthy of a drink that has this much attention to detail. All this, and the drink tastes pretty good too! For your next vampire party, Halloween bash, or just to freak out the in-laws, Blood is right up your alley.
Blood Energy Potion has similar ingredients to real blood – the same color, look, and consistency of the real thing. While the drink has 25 calories, considering the Whey protein they added and all the other nutrients, it is commendable. Not to mention, those who are sucking these down are not really concerned with anything other than shock value.

I LOVE that they worked to get real blood properties into this drink. As opposed to Vamp or True Blood, Blood potion works to replicate the nutrition blood actually has. There is potassium, a little carbs,4 grams of protein, iron, a decent energy blend and even a Proprieary Enzyme Blend 425mcg (Amylase, Lactase, Cellulase, Lipase, Protease). I really enjoyed the level of detail they went to – definitely adds to the awesome!

I also enjoyed the though that went into the caffeine and energy boost in here – certainly not as strong as the other Harcos products, and almost OK enough for kids to have. I say almost, because I am still a little wary giving my 13 year old anything more than 60mg of caffeine. Certainly this is not for younger kids. Like the instructions blood bag states, ” Not to be consumed by those under 12″. They definitely cut back on the energy properties for the kiddos to join in the fun too.
I got around 2 hours of light energy out of this – and a really hard crash that took a walk around the office and a couple Diet Mountain Dews to recover from. This is about as caffeinated as a shot of espresso.

The pouch states that “now aspiring vampires, zombies and all creatures which feed on humanity can get real blood nutrients without that real blood taste!” And in reality, it tastes quite yummy. You can taste the Whey Protein and a little fake chemical sweetness, but the main flavor that comes through is a delicious albeit kool-aid-fake fruit punch. On the back of the package, they have instructions with little vampiric icons on how to warm this up to 98.6 degrees. So I tried one by sucking out of the pouch, and another by following their instructions an pouring into a goblet. Cold, this reminded me of a Fruit Punch Slim Rite. I really enjoyed this flavor – enough so that I wish their bag was a little bigger so I could have more. Warm, it tasted like – warm fruit punch.

They ask you to shake well, which I think is just their way of hitting home the accuracy in the viscosity of their blood. When you shake the package in front of people, those with delicate constitutions get queasy. One of my friends actually asked me to please put the package far away so she wouldn’t vomit. This same thickness is one of the most amusing points to this drink – as it really has a thickness and viscosity you would not expect. I was surprised by how much it drank like real human blood! Packaging:10
Blood Energy Potion comes in one of those blood bags that you get at the hospital. The bag is a re-sealable transfusion bag style pouch, and is not only convenient, but the bag is refillable to you can gross out people again and again!
The detail on the drink is what really amazes me. There are bloody fingerprints everywhere, along with a listing of advantages on the side, like the “fangtastic Fruit Punch, Delicious for vampires or humans. ” and being “garlic free”. Even if you have never been in a place that has IV blood bags, you can tell in an instant what they were going for. Just in case, they do have a warning on the front that this is not for use intravenously or in transfusions.

Website:Living with Bloodlust 10
Carrying the joke to the fullest extent is, a website devoted to helping vampires with their blood desires – and how this drink can help them through this malady. The stock photos of grandpa with the fangs is funny enough to win my heart, let alone all the rest of the site’s humor. The testamonials are to die for!
You get vampire quotes from the veteranarian who who helped control his bloodlust and stop feeding on German shepards and puppies, the Old man who used to go to the park to bain pidgeons or the woman who has had 327 boyfriends in the past 8 decades.
From seeing where Harcos was in their web design to this new beauty, Harcos should be very proud.

The one suggestion I would make is to put the CSS in a separate style sheet, rather than having everything inline.

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