Boa Energy Drink

I’m used to getting my Agave nectar through bottles of Sauza, my favorite spirit of choice. So when I saw BOA, I got pretty excited! Made by a local energy drink producer here in Denver, filled with agave and no high fructose corn syrup I got even more excited. Their marketing is interesting too – having a bi-lingual can and trying to appeal directly to the Hispanic market. And while there are many energy drinks with a core audience they usually don’t come right out and say that they are directly targeting one specific demographic. Even on their website they list their goal of trying to appeal directly to Hispanics- using the flavors of agave and limon to separate from the usual Red Bull clones out there – placing their food into a Hispanic foods category, like green chili or enchiladas. and with good reason.

According to a Denver Post article – they are going to try to get big enough to get swallowed up by a major company. Now I know that is a common thing to happen, causing major companies like Glaceau and Fuze, but it truly makes me sad. You know if Coca Cola gets their hands on this, the Agave will become high fructose corn syrup and the limon will become sprite mix. Right now, the only thing on the shelves appealing to the Latino market directly is Full Throttle Blue Demon, which is truly Blech – morally and flavor-ily. This is an original and really tasty drink, which I really hope survives enough that they can make a name for themselves without having to stoop to sucking up with the Hansen Family. – Buena suerte con su compañía

La bebida de la energía es chock full of good stuff – from Milk Thistle to Ginko Biloba, this has enough herbal pharmaceuticals to give Crunk a run for its money. It gave me quite a buzz – even though the amount of caffeine in the drink is as of yet undisclosed. I also think the mixture of all those herbs, especially the ginko bikoba and insotol helped with the very active buzz I got – with a very mellow easy to cope with crash. Even though the calorie count in this drink is pretty high (200 a can) it is worth picking up one time for the taste alone.
the design of the can is nice, and the logo and colors work well. The only problem I have is the lack of ingredients on the can. You don’t know how many herbs they put in, not does it list the caffeine content anywhere. The multilingual can works well, as well as the Boa snake motif. Wish it had more data though.

Taste: 9
Esto es muy sabroso! The agave and lime taste frakkin awesome – this is one of the tastiest energy drinks I have had in a long time. Shame to read they had to add sucralose to sweeten the agave – but glad for all the work that went into making this so dang yummy. I would choose this over a great deal of other energy drinks found at my local mega-supermarket.
Website: 6
The site is certainly not fantastic, not really doing much but presenting a big business card. There is a couple more photos of happy latinos drinking Boa, and a bit of press release, but I could not really find anything on the amounts of supplements and nutrients – including caffeine. No info, no unique gotcha – overall a perfect and simple blah site; not worth the mouse clicks.

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