There are most times in in grown-up’s life that eating healthy and sensibly when a sweet tooth arrives, it gets satisfied by small treats; a cookie, a small candy bar or some other innocuous treat. I even know of some people who turn to fruit (gasp).
And then there are those other times – when a rush to the gas station for devils food cake mix and a tub of icing will be the only thing that satisfies. the new butterfingers buzz is for one of those times, where you just don’t care what goo you put into your body, and the bigger, sweeter and goopyer it is for you the better. This caffeinated huge candy bar is all about the devil on your shoulder winning out – giving into temptation and gorging yourself on unhealthy. Wash it down with a Pepsi Max and you got yourself a good time
Nestle – one of my least favorite companies in the world, has followed in Snickers wake and released Butterfingers Buzzed, a King-sized candy bar with 80mg of caffeine buried inside its
Crispety Crunchety peanut buttery bar – and is everything you imagined it would be. While I am sure they plan on this being a huge hit – it is only around for a short time. And, if there are any leftover ingredients, don’t worry – as I am reasonably sure they plan on stuffing all remaining stock into their baby formulas for third world countries when they are done.
You won’t get your regular buzz from this candy bar, as 80mg is not really enough to get anyone flying. What it does do is add to the sugar rush you get from eating 460 calories of sugar. Sure, there are two servings in here – but like anyone could just eat one candy bar and leave the other for later. Not to mention, the only way to judge the Buzz of the bar would be to eat the whole thing – getting the full 80mg of caffeine ( 2 bars, 40mg per serving). That also means loading up on 24 grams of sugar. I felt GREAT for the first hour or so after decimating the candy bar. The sugar got me loaded up with a good old fashioned sugar high, and the caffeine gave it that extra added boost. Of course, you know that meant I had to fight off the late afternoon slump with herculean effort.
While the added caffeine is a nice gimmick, if they were serious they would have found a way to load in the caffeine, at least doubling the charge to Monster levels of energy too.
Nestles did a great job here, although a bit confusing. They list that the bar has as much caffeine as an energy drink, but they also list 2 servings – with 4mg of caffeine per bar. So if you were to eat the recommended serving,you would only be having as much as 1/2 energy drink.
The rest of the bar looks nice though, standing out from the candy shelves. They also went with a nice color scheme for this – making it very easy to read – and not hiding the caffeine content.
Tastes almost like a normal butterfingers bar. To compare, I traded bites with someone who had a small butterfinger. There is a slight bitterness in the initial flavor, and there is a slight bitter aftertaste – but this is almost identical. Now whether or not you enjoy the fake peanut butter candy and mocklate coating is a mater of personal preference. I try not to bring any nestle products in the house, if I can help it, because of all the evil things the conglomerate does – and this bar did not make me want forgo my principles to have again. For the same calories and better flavor, I would grab a Chick-o-stick and a monster and get a tastier flavor and a better rush.