Thanks to some very nice distributors in the US, I was able to get my hands on another fantastic European energy drink from Battery –
international caffeine
Battery energy drink
I love drinks that come with a theme – and it’s nice that energy drinks already have one built right in. You have all sorts
Gladiator Rudeza Citrica
Energy for the daily struggle. The struggle for life is like a Mexican lucha libre match. OK – no is really isn’t. There is nothing
Gladiator Furia Azul
This is one of the more interesting drinks I found from Mexico – Complete with luchidor mask – Gladiator energy comes from the coca cola
Bomba Energy
I used to see bomba in convenience stores all around Colorado about 4 years ago. The cute grenade bottles appealed to my magpie-like glee for
Rage Sugar Free
Rage is put out by Pinnacle Exclusives, and they advertise that they will make Rage to fit any country’s drink and nutritional specifications, and not
Rage Asylum
There is something about Orange drinks that seems to make drink designers lose their minds. Seriously. But not in a bad way, but in a
Liquid Vi Energy Drink
Nice – I’m not dead from this stuff yet. In fact, I am a bit sleepy. I am waiting for the jitters to die down
Kodomo-no nominomo
Move over candy cigarettes. The drink is called Kodomo-no nominomo, literally translated as “children’s drink. Here on this happy beer bottle is a happy picture
Super Lion Energy Drink
Jumping out at you like a World’s Gym shirt on steroids comes Super Lion Energy Drink, straight from the manufacturing plants in Singapore, Malaysia, China,