Celsius energy

There are not many energy drinks I buy more than one of. With my sample fridge growing every day, I rarely have the time or inclination to go back to something I have already had when there are so many others tantalizing me. Not only did I drink a four pack of this one in no time, I actually went back to the store to buy four more! My only sadness is that was all there was of this on the shelves, and now the hunt is on to find them again.
The thing with Celsius is this. The wild berry tastes absolutely incredible. I was really surprised the drink was not more natural, as the flavor was so refreshing.

The claim is this: When you drink one can of Celsius, you burn over 100 calories, and you obviously burn many more if you combine it with a good workout. Double-blind placebo controlled clinical studies on Celsius have been conducted by U.S. accredited scientific research facilities according to strict scientific standards – all to prove this drink can help lose weight, turning your metabolism into a supercharged afterburner.

I am sure you could probably drink this and workout more, diet, and lose weight. I don’t care, really. What I will drink this by the caseload for is the amazing power boost and tastiness. As for the thermogenic aspect, I found that it did not give me the shudders like other thermogenic drinks do, and manages to be lighter on your metabolism than, say, Redline Rush.

this is absolutely fantastic! I tasted cranberry and raspberry and cherry, with hints of other unknown berry flavors. There is a mild chalkiness, either from the berry extract or the green tea leaf extract. Either way, the chalkiness gave a little bitter to the flavor, enhancing the flavor rather than detracting. In a way I wish this had less caffeine per serving, just so I could drink more of it. This does have a strong splenda flavor, which I could live without, but the carbonation and tartness of the berry masks the usual sucralose sour aftertaste.

They really push hard to have this drink be a weight loss product – which is only part of the joy of this drink. While weight loss is good, good health is good too, and Celsius has that too. In terms of weight loss supplements, this drink has biotin, a drink to help speed up metabolism. IT also has chromium, a mineral which supposedly helps control hunger and to normalize insulin levels.
There are also all the things you would expect to find in an energy drink, from lots of vitamin B, glucurolactone, ginseng and taurine, and slightly improved by the addition of 100% RDA of vitamin C.
In terms of energy – all I gotta say is watch out. Have somewhere to go and something to do, because you will not be able to chill after downing this one. With 200mg in the 12oz can, the energy will keep you flying for hours and hours. This has some very serious power – with lab made caffeine, green tea (caffeine) and guarana, sitting still and vegging in front of the TV is just not an option.
The can is probably the weakest area for this drink. It comes in a very flimsy aluminum can – and the printing job is mediocre as well. Rather than going for a high gloss print, this is a low quality print, which is a real same. They also don’t double face, so it is harder for the stocker or convenience store worker to keep facing forward. The gradiated background has so many diffused little dots that the writing on top becomes a jumbled mess.the lid is also on haphazardly, so the logo is not placed right when you drink it. I do appreciate how they list the caffeine content, as well as all their thermogenic blend.
Still, thiscan really needs to have more love…
Website: www.ilovecelsius.com 10
According to the can, the site should be www.celsius.com, but that one is not nearly as beautiful, engaging and friendly as ilovecelsius.com, which should be their official site. Celsius.com looks half made – the graphics are poor, the UI is difficult to navigate and the whole thing feels like it was drummed up in two days by the company’s CEO.

ilovecelsius.com, by contrast, is beautiful, well programmed and very informative in a few short clicks. Sure – it is a blogging site, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that if it gets the job done well. This is a great themed wordpress blog, full of information and presented in a very unique and engaging style. I was actually surprised when I read that this is not their official site, not anything officially connected to Celsius holdings. If this ends up just being a fan site, it is time to whip out the checkbook, fire the web dude, and purchase ilovecelsius.com whole parcel. If this is a company blog – get rid of celsius.com and point everything to the wordpress site .

I was really impressed with a couple things with this site, mainly the timeliness and frequency of the articles, as well as all the information on the drink that the site provides – from info on the company, to the drink itself – to weight loss claims and testimonials.
Sure, it may not have crappy flash intros, but this one has got style, information and is all round well done.

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