DNA sugar free citrus

DNA Beverage Corporation has worked real hard to be connected to the Motocross world, as the one spot that does not yet have an Official drink. Surfing has got Lost, the UFC has Throwdown, and Wrestling has Hogan Energy. Motocross has lots of sponsors, but like Nascar, one drink really has to become synonymous with the sport yet.
They say in their packaging that this drink was brought to you by hardcore athletes, but from their info page I highly doubt the CEO or VP has waxed a board , changed a spoke bmx or changed out some trucks on his board in a very long time. That’s OK though, there is nothing wrong with grabbing onto the counter culture – I just wish their marketing was not such a ploy.
Still Monster does this too, pretending to be cool and alternative while being a billion dollar industry leader.

Like that it tastes so natural, for being a lo-carb sugar free drink. Usually they taste like a candy or a soda-pop, while this actually tastes like it has real juice in it. I could taste the orange in it very clearly, but it was a very different kind of drink than the sugary oranges of Rockstar, Monster or NOS.

Pretty decent fare – 200 mg per can of caffeine. The only thing out of the ordinary B vitamin/taurine mix is Folate, which is really another B vitamin. They still use bromated vegetable oil, which is an odd thing to see in a 0 calorie drink. In terms of sweetening agents, they went the wise choice of sucralose and Ace-K. While I am not thrilled with the sucralose, it could be worse… Overall, it got about 2 hours of energy with almost no crash. While not fantastic, I would certainly give this drink another go.

Unfortunately, it does not standout nearly as much as their logo does. The logo is this ultra cool DNA strand with a skull wrapped around it, much better than this DNA strand in orange with a very odd font choice. There is also this sort of embossed outline of extreme sports stuff – some of which I get. There is a gibson guitar, extreme motorcrosser, surfer, skater and 2 things I have no clue what they are supposed to be. As much a s the drink is good, this design is one for the cheapo bin. With only using 2 colors, look what syzmo did mopared to this thing. If they are going tobe big, they should swap this out for the awesome skull thing instead. I do appreciate the caffeine content and the drink info – although the ingredients list is nearly impossible to read with such cheese fonts.

Website:8 dnaenergydrink.com
OK – design is left over from a myspace wastebasket, it is big and clunky and hard to navigate. So why an 8? Because you could tell that it is NOT built by a web designer, but just some guy at the company with a little skill with photoshop. If a design house got this job – it would be a 3 – but for someone who obviously was learning how to develop a site on the fly it has a lot going for it. It gives you all the info you need, tons of marketing marerial to help sell you on the fact that they are “Xtreme”, even displaying a gallery and working shopping cart. I say keep this one cranking – don’t try to upgrade the look or bring it to a big design firm. Sure it looks amatuer, but that is not only acceptable, but even helps sell the drink more that the site it just so raw.

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