doom Juice

Invader Zim is the most alien alien that wants to destroy the earth. Zim is short and green, and just does not seem to be able to unleash doom upon human civilization. He was completely successful at accidentally destroying his own, getting him banished to Earth, along with an incredibly stupid but very cute side-kick robot named Gir.

Nickelodeon made only 27 episodes of this show, but the following was sooo huge that the merch from it still keeps coming. This latest energy drink by Boston America is another fun quickwrap of their blue/green raspberry flavor, the same as a dozen others they market and sell to Hot Topics, Spencer Gifts and all the other niche mall stores.

Like all the rest of their drinks, they just do a quick wrap of a bare aluminum can – which can look OK, but seems to always have a cheap quality , and gives someone like me the irresistible urge to peel the label off – and then I am left with one ripped label and one ugly assed can. It is not that Boston American can’t do a regular printing job, as they did with Booty Sweat and Duff Energy drink. But, in fairness I do understand that it would probably be way too cost ineffective to make the 2 dozen or so different drink packages they come out with.

In terms of printing,this one sucks pretty hard. I know they CAN make these printing jobs look good, but this one is an utter fail. you can barely even read the mane of the drink, and of all the Gir pictures they have used – this one is really over the top goofy. The name is only in one spot, and there is no listings of caffeine content. while the overall concept is nice, the follow through needs much work.

This is the same as every other Boston America drink. There is 80mg of caffeine, an undisclosed amount of taurine and some Vitamin B complex. Nothing special – which is a shame for a drink based upon Zim. I would at least expect something that helped get enough power to rule the world, destroy my neighborhood, or at least make me laugh maniacally. Sadly, this was just another wraparound from a non-energy drink branding machine. No real buzz from the 50 mg of caffeine in here- and lots of calories and chemicals in the process. After all, you would not want your pre-teen ( who all these are marketed to) actually drinking an energy drink – better to have them think they are and get a weak imitator with a trendy label.

The one thing about this particular BA flavor is their blue raspberry is very easy on the tongue. This is all candy and sweet, meant for kids who shop at mall stores and not really supposed to be anything other than a cool-labeled soda. As soda goes, this tastes decent, as there is no bite, no sharpness, and enough igh Fructose Corn Syrup to keep Ohio in business for years.

energy drink heaven review

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