Opta Energy Berry Fusion

Opta is another in the growing field of healthy looking organic energy drinks, coming from a manufacturer who manufactures organic products, from soy milk to bulk organic grains. There are so many products they seem to put out that they cant even list this energy drink anywhere on their site. Shame there has not been any marketing for this, as it is a gorgeous can and it holds some fantastic juice within. This was labeled an Energy drink, so that is how I will classify it, but that is pretty inaccurate. This is about as sweet and juicy as you can find and not have it list it that way. If you are looking for a nice sweet and flavorful pick me up, you wont be disappointed.

This drink is a great blend of cane juice, raspberry, pomegranate and green tea. You cant taste all the other ingredients, such as yerba mate nor guarana, and all you the flavor suggests there is much more fruit in this can than the ingredients list – and the first 3 ingredients are cane juice, raspberry juice and pomegranate juice – not listing any other colors or flavors used to sweeten or disguise the blend. The richness of this flavor will make you want to savor this drink ,rather than chug the can down.

Buzz/Nutrition: 7
160 per can, plus the yerba mate has energizing properties. evaporated cane juice, juice concentrate, citric acid, Vitamin C, black carrot for color, organic yerba mate, organic green tea extract, organic guarana, and B Vitamins. 130 calories a can, but also sweetened with organic cane juice. So even though you just knocked back 260 calories in the can, you aren’t really filling your body up with empty calories.
There is 160mg of caffeine in here, which is not absolutely fantastic, but will give you as much get-up-and-go as a double shot espresso – and will last longer than one as well. It boasts a gentle lift, from the guarana and the yerba mate – and when I drank it for lunch I experienced no real buzz, but more of a gentle alertness in the afternoon. That also means that by4:00 I was back to swilling diet mountain dew trying to get over the late day hump. But it does go a long way that this is all organic,certified by the Oregon and USDA standards, so if I do consume a whole can quickly, I am not just reaching for a more expensive HFCS soda.

Packaging: 8
This one has only 2 small organic badges, rather than a can like Steaz, which emblazons up to 5 different health badges all over their can design. McDill Associates, a strategic marketing and design firm based out of Soquel, CA has just been presented with a prestigious American Packaging Design Award for the design. I like the overall chemical compound idea, making the can seem more high end and less insubstantial. The dark hue also separates this can from the others on the shelf, reaching for a higher target demographic. I could see this drink in the cart of many an active rich suburbanite – makes sense that it is being distributed to whole foods and other high end supermarkets.

non-existent – not even mentioned on the manufacturers website 🙁

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