sumseeds honey bbq energy sunflower seeds

This product falls squarely into the category of “Damn good ideas” – along with caffeinated snack chips and energy oatmeal. That’s right – these little wonders are just gourmet sunflower seeds, but have been filled with the goodness of caffeine, taurine, lysine, and ginseng in the seed – that’s right – past the shell (and yes, I inspected for needle marks, but have no idea how they do it)
What I can tell you is that these little seeds provide a nice sustained rush while being a really tasty treat. The serious dose of caffeine does not seem to affect the flavor at all, as all I tasted was just delicious honey barbecue flavored sunflower seedy goodness all the way through the bag. The taste, the portion size and a good dose of our favorite drug make this treat a real wonder to behold.

the best thing about this package is the size of the packages. This comes in a big 3.5oz package or a smaller snack size 1.75oz package. The big pack has 120mg of caffeine, and the little one is half the size and dosage. Either way, you are getting a nice buzz for your buck. Not sure about having those celebrity endorsements ont he front of the bag like a box of Wheaties, but then again I am not an avid fan of NASCAR or pro baseball. I do like that they did not take the XTREME road making these all ripped and goofy looking. Instead, the package is pretty toned down and deceptively mellow for what it contains. I would not mind taking these with me anywhere – as it looks like it is – a great and healthy uplifting snack.
The only issue I see is the lack of caffeine content in here, listing that it is equal to an energy drink. As we all know , EDs vary from 50mg to 500mg – and are useless as a comparison

One of the more interesting aspects of this product was that it is REALLY hard if not impossible to slam this like you could an espresso or small energy drink.even the 1.75 ounce pack takes a while to work through, so you are going to have your 120mg caffeine intake spread over the course of at least an hour, rather than tearing through it quickly and ending up with the jitters. The effect is more sustained and natural, making no real energy peak, but instead providing uplifting energy for about 4 hours.
Another infused substance in here is lysene, a muscle building protein, also good for healing cold sores. While not being a great thing for those just looking for energy, it IS a good thing for those who love ripping through bags and bags of salty snacks! IT is also filled with healthy goodness, using honey, blackstrap molasses, tomatoes, hickory and regular barbecue ingredients as opposed to the fake flavoring stuff. I would and could eat these all day long…

One of the best things about the bag I went through was there was no hint of the Bad Seed. You know, the one that looks more like a raisin or a salted stick, tasting like you bit into concentrated sweat sock. All of them were crunchy and delicious – not a bad one in the bag. There was some powder residue at the bottom of the bag – which I TOTALLY did not lick out of the bottom corner of the bag. The bbq was very light and not overpowering, and was about as tasty as you would imagine a gourmet sunflower seed bag could be. You could taste the great ingredients in here – more than just salt and fake bbq spice – this tastes really damn honey-barbecuey. has a great sale on them for now, you can buy this at thinkgeek or their website here, where the price is a cheaper 3-5 bucks a bag.

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