Syzmo has one of the best lineups of any energy drink. The small company has created 3 absolutely fantastic drink – where they are both healthy and energizing, certified organic and tasty while being a small company that knows how to design a great package. I congratulate Syzmo on making some of the best energy drinks of the hundreds I have tasted.
This slim can is packed full of prickly pear flavor – not pear, or even a citrusy pear-like drink, but actually tastes like a prickly pear. If you have never eaten a prickly pear this drink comes off a bit like lemon, and a bit like apple. This drink is lightly carbonated, so it does not overdo it on the bubbles to hide the flavor. This is definitely a unique taste only enhanced by the Agave nectar and coffee fruit. Like the other Syzmos, this is an absolutely fabulous drink! In terms of mixing this drink, which I managed to do with a few cans, there is no end to the tequila drinks you can make. The agave nectar and packaging fits sooo nicely with a good bottle of Patron.
This drink is not just all Natural – which now means crap because te FDA sucks so bad. SYZMO is Made With Organic Premium Blue Agave Nectar, which has the lowest Glycemic Index of all the sweeteners on the market. There are 130 calories per 12 oz. can, and get their organic caffeine from coffee, Guarana Extract, Green Tea Extract and Yerba Matte Extract, amounting to 120mg of the good stuff. There is the bunch of Vitamin B2, B3, B6, B12, Biotin, Folic Acid, Zinc, and Co-enzyme Q10, which can fight cancer and help with migranes, and even has the potential in hypertensive patients to lower systolic blood pressure significantly. Very cool, but certainly unusual in an energy drink.
This packaging gets nicer the more I get to look at it. if you find a can around, do you see the filigrees on the green? The drop shadows on the lettering? the yellow stems of the agave leaf? totally awesome! This is one beautiful package. The font choices are very nice, being very clear to read and adds to the overall look of the can. There is full disclosure of every ingredient on the can, including a caffeine count – which definitely helps. The only issues I see is the problem with convenience stores, where the product must be faced correctly in order for the logo to be seen and not the large information and ingredients list. This will make it harder for the drink to be seen in the cooler shelves. The drink info is also in Spanish, which is not only a nice thing to do, but definitely adds to the mystique of this drink, with so many ingredients not easily produced in the US.
A spectacular failure. With a drink this good, why not hire someone who knows what they are doing to help build your site? I don’t even know where to list the problems. First, you get the ridiculous and huge splash page, which shows silly pictures spinning into the frame, and signals what is to come. The logo flies in, and then cycles over and over and over until you click in. Once you do, you get hit with a page which for all intents and purposes should be in html. Basically, you get a clickable picture, with noting else interactive. You even get a pulsing flashing button that does not link anywhere. You get a click, but it is inactive. 80% of the site is still coming soon, and while there is a bit on glycemic indexing and contact info, the whole site had been launched with most of it not ready for consumption. Backend, the online store just sells the drink by the caseload, and the Yahoo store looks absolutely nothing like the rest of the site. The code holding the flash movie is published DIRECTLY from flash, with no coding ( not even including meta or title tags??) whatsoever added. Next time, get your act together, hire a professional, and then release your site. Also, only use flash if there is a reason to. in this case, you could achieve the same thing with a much much smaller size html version instead.