V2 did something amazing with their V2 vodka – packaging it with real mint ( not pepperment patty mint, but the real spice) and creating a drink that is both clean and very refreshing. This is a fantastic drink for those who like mint,especially when sipped ice cold. Unlike the original v2, where the taste of the caffeine and taurine make it hard to drink without mixing, this one was great any way you could get it. Straight – in a sweet sugar coated martini or as a nice afternoon drink while watching horse racing. The buzz was a great addition to the flavor too, making it really nice for when you want something special that wont make you sleepy.
Buzz: 8
Like the other vodkas by V2, there is about 50mg in a shot of this stuff, and it still has 40 proof. A couple drinks of this is definitely all you need to have a good time. While they don’t mention this specifically, they state that an ounce is half a cup of coffee, which is 50mg in energy-drink-speak. If you find a generous bartender, most shots are around 2 ounces – so your normal 2 shot mixed drink gives you about 200mg, or 2 cups of coffee ( or 2.5 Red Bulls).
Packaging: 9
Awesome job here. A big thumbs up creating something very unique, yet perfectly befitting their demographic. While they could have done a bit more putting the amount of caffeine or taurine used, the embossed frosted dragon across the lettering is very simple and stunning. The only thing there is for a company list is a point to their website – which actually can give you all you really would want to know about the drink. While not revolutionary, it is still a job very well done. This is very much like the regular vodka package, only green and more lovely.
Truly tasty alcoholic drink. While I would be hard pressed to find a good mixer for this, it does not really need it. The best thing I found is straight from the freezer, poured into a powdered sugar rimmed glass. This clean crisp drink is not sharp, and balances the sweetness with the vodka bite to a nice blend that is great on the palatte. I would recommend this highly to anyone looking for a nice afternoon summer sipper.
website:9 v2vodka.com
this is a gorgeous website, utilizing the best of flash. There is a huge section on mixers for their vodka, info on the company and a FAQ if you wanted to find out about the amount of caffeine and where and how V2 is made. The sound is used sparingly, and the loading splash screen is quick run through or can be skipped entirely. The design is really top notch, and features their great commercial by animator Daniel Oeffinger – which makes this a site worth visiting. The code holding the flash is done expertly, and everything loads very quickly. The site is really a great finishing touch on a great marketing job done by Wingard Spirits. They have also not distilled the branding with all their other flavors, creating small sub-sites for all their different flavors (R2Rum.com, T2Tequila.com and everglo.com