Bud Extra

Now everyone knows the worst tasting, most overrated beer in the entire US is Bud, followed very closely by Coors, or keystone or what have you. Yes it is the most sold beer, but that is because of their advertising and good old fashioned american evil corporate capitalism – not because of their quality of product. If that were truly the standard by which we measure fame, everyones summer afternoons would be filled with Kona Brewing’s pipeline porter, made with 100% natural kona coffee or some Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout with a great steak. You get the picture. Bud even costs more than the bargain stuff – and I would rather crack open a can of soured dusty cooking wine than have to taste bud. Notice I said taste?? Before I get called whatever name by Hard Working Americans -a real patriot would drink Samuel Smith, or a local Made in the USA microbrew – Bud tastes like a watered down over-carbonated violin rosin. SO who there thought that that would make for a good energy drink???

I wish the person who invented this drink would have to go to hell and be forced to drink this for all eternity. It is a vile disgusting brew, bringing together the worst elements of mixing beer and energy drinks. There is a drunk to be had here but for the 7 bucks for a four pack to get you there, you could have bought a nice bottle of gin and done the same trick, but without the work of forcing 48 ounces into yourself, not to mention the horrible pounding hangover. The energy drink ingredients are not in abundance enough to fool you that this is even remotely good for you, and not enough to even have you notice any effects. The person deciding to make this taste like fake nasty raspberries should be tied up, filled full of barley and hops and left to age on a beechwood tree until the scavengers pick them clean. Ick
Anheuser-Busch vice president Francine Katz told AP. “In fact, Bud Extra has less caffeine than a 12-ounce Starbucks coffee.” Oh great – so it is a sickening rasberry beer with almost no caffeine. So the point of this is… what? just drink a beer with something better, more alcoholic, cheaper, and a cup of joe. Seriously.

Really, the only way to drink this down is like all unfortuante tasting substances, just try to shove enough of it past your taste buds and down your throat so you dont have to taste anything. I did manage to knock it back though, but I highly reccommend not taking a moment to savor.

Very slick marketing for this thing. I actually gave this a fair and honest review because the package made me excited about trying it. And while I did not like bud, it has such a bland taste that it could have actually have been possible to make a good energy drink from this. The brilliant red , black and gold can gave this a shine and polish that the fluid inside really does not deserve.it was a great bit of marketing genius to change the name of this drink from its original moniker of B to the E – which was a complete disaster.

Website: budextra.com:4
I really wish I could give this site more. it is sooo pretty – but like the drink intelf, the inside is just horrible. First, they give you drink recipes, because mixing your energy beer to disguise the nastiness of the flavor is the most important part of the site, giving you 4 of the 5 whole navigation buttons over to mixers. The last button linked to a very very small bit about what bud extra was. Thats it – very very pretty, but what is inside made you wish you never opened it up in the first place.

NYBarfly review

4 thoughts on “Bud Extra

  1. Beer, like American cars are similar. They look great but are overpriced and leave you wanting for quality. The same hype used to sell them is being used by Bud to make you believe your getting something that is special, but is lacking in substance. Top it off with trying to get it past the alcohol control boards of this country as a energy drink and you have the typical big corp scam. Nice to see that this garbage is being pulled off the shelves by the state governments.

  2. Beer, like American cars are similar. They look great but are overpriced and leave you wanting for quality. The same hype used to sell them is being used by Bud to make you believe your getting something that is special, but is lacking in substance. Top it off with trying to get it past the alcohol control boards of this country as a energy drink and you have the typical big corp scam. Nice to see that this garbage is being pulled off the shelves by the state governments.

  3. I remember this stuff, and it was canned ass! I’m not sure if there were different formulations or not, but the few times I had it, It reminded me exactly of Sparks and Budweiser mixed. I actually tested out that theory, and I am near convinced I was right. The taste was very close at a 60% beer 40% sparks ratio, not that I could be arsed to put much research into perfecting such a terrible drink.

  4. I remember this stuff, and it was canned ass! I’m not sure if there were different formulations or not, but the few times I had it, It reminded me exactly of Sparks and Budweiser mixed. I actually tested out that theory, and I am near convinced I was right. The taste was very close at a 60% beer 40% sparks ratio, not that I could be arsed to put much research into perfecting such a terrible drink.

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