P.I.NK. caffeinated Vodka

P.I.N.K. vodka takes the Red Bull and Vodka drink and turns it up a couple notches, infusing caffeine with a high-end vodka to create a great spirit that can keep you partying for a long time, while not sacrificing taste and looks. Everything about this drink is impressive – from the packaging to the non-flavor, making it the perfect thing for those long summer evenings.

P.I.N.K. was the first to blend a great vodka with caffeine, although there are a number of competitors in the market now, like Zygo, V2, and 3AM vodka, reviewed by the Cocktails and Spirits Examiner. Just recently, they have released Rum, Tequila, Gin, White Whiskey, and Sake all of which are infused with energy. Like any good vodka, this brand has it’s pedegree, making their vodka from hand picked wheat from Holland, and then infused and uniquely packaged in Florida.

True to its advertising, P.I.N.K. vodka has no smell. You definitely know this is alcoholic, but just like other top shelf vodkas, this does not smell like anything. As for the taste, it is VERY impressive. While I know a Grey Goose from a Popov or Skol, I am not really a vodka afficianado. One of my friends are, however, and described this as a high-to mid level vodka, on the same par as an Absolut. He said it was a little sharp, although compared to some vodkas I have had it the past I found it dangerously easy to drink chilled in a shot glass. This has made some excellent martinis and a morning screwdriver is a great pick-me-up first thing in the morning.

This packaging is as distinctive as the drink itelf. The only pink you will find is the pinkish glow blended into the frosted bottle it arrived in. The vodka itself is completely clear. The bottle itself is a great conversation piece, and won numerous design awards. My only issue is with the lack of caffeine information on the bottle iteslf. While they do list the alcohol content (80 proof), there is no mention of the caffeine, which has me wondering about mixing qualities as infusing this drink with other caffeinated substances, such as xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxx. Still, even empty this is going to be one of those difficuly bottles to just toss away.
Listed in their FAQ on their website, they list that every ounce to ounce-and-a-half of p.i.n.k. contains the equivalent intensity of approximately ½ to ¾ a cup of coffee or tea. Most companies who list caffeine this way use a baseline for coffee as 100mg per cup. Using this as a reference, each ounce of P.I.N.K. has 50mg. That means that while you can get a nice happy buzz from the caffeine, it is certainly not excessive. It would be the same as drinking a doubleshot of esspresso with a nicely sized martini – not really that much caffeine, but enough to keep you from faling asleep early.
My only issue is the companies insistance that caffeine and guarana are very different, listing both substances as different and even stating on their promotional materials that guarana contains guaranine, not caffeine. Even as a marketing ploy this is as sillyas saying the caffeine from tea is different than the caffeine from coffee. Caffeine is Caffeine, and the properties of the chemical are the same no matter what they come from. Guarana is a fruit, not a substance in itself – and the marketing of guarana as a different energy ingredient as their caffeine is misleading.

Great design and tons of information. Someone had a lot of fun putting this flash together – looking very fresh and clean, with more information than you can imagine, from the company, to the drink, to up to date press releases and drink mixers. Most importantly for me in any flash movie is clean animation (check), easy to navigate UI (got it) , and most importantly a way to skip the splash screens and turn off the music if it gets annoying ( sure thing)! I would be proud to show off the flash for the site.
My only issues are in the code of the page. Using javascript and css are good – but listing them in the page, and also having external scripts is silly. Make the code nice and put all of it in an external file. It would clean things up and make it look nicer, plus it would help the search engines, which you could tell from their code is very important to them.

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