JAVA Monster Lo BAll

I like monster a whole bunch and see the blue can as the de facto standard. The fact that there are now over 300 kinds of monster (OK, I am exaggerating a little) energy drinks says something to the stability of this brand.
I was wanting to try Their java drinks for a while, but the amount of calories found in these drinks was always a big turn off for me. That Is why I got Sooo Excited when I found Monster lo-ball. This lovely looking can has only 100 calories (50 per serving) so it fits in my range of drinks to guzzle and looks like there is enough caffeine to make it worth my while. After trying out this one, I can easily feel comfortable trying the other flavors, even if there is the calorie content, just because they do taste so darn good.

Energy Fiend reports about 70mg of caffeine per serving, so a 16 oz can with 140 is about the same as a double shot of the real thing at starbucks. Shame it is not stronger, But it has plenty of tarine and the B vitamins to keep it in the range of energy drinks. Do get a nice buzz from it, but that could be because you can easily down all 140MGs of caffeine in under 30 seconds easy. it is like a 5 hour energy shot in a big can – very hard to sip.

The scariest thing I have heard about these is the combination of acrylamide, which is excreted from coffee when it’s roasted,taurine, and glucuronic acid lactone (aka glucuronolactone, look at the can), creates cancer-causing agents that can make their way into the brain and/or reproductive system. – but this is the internet – who knows the truth behind this….

Packaging: 8 1/2
Beautiful art adorns all the monster varieties – looking straight out of JAva or Guinea. YOu could tell the designers were let loose, and they came up with one seriously gorgeous can. I think if they beat rockstar, much of this has to be because of the wonderful packaging on all these coffee cans.

Taste: 8
Pretty good, as canned coffee goes. I have always been a fan of the metallic coffe – mainly because it always seemed so exotic to me. I could only find those sorts of drinks at my local asian market, or buried in the mexican foods aisle of some of the convenience stores around my neighborhood. Now that Rockstar and Monster are duking it out with the glass jarred starbucks, I will probably find this loses some of its cool.

I agree with taurinerules that this tastes muuch like sweetened sugar free latte from starbucks. Sweet, and not at all bitter, it maintains a tasty flavor all the way through the can – which can easily slide down my gullet in about 10 seconds.

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