Rumba Energy Juice

While on a trip to DC, I thought I would try to scour out some energy drinks I had a hard time finding back in my home state. One of the cans I picked up was this energy juice, which I normally dont pick up becuase of the heavy calorie content and the lack of anything truly fortifying. However, in the interest of science, I got a can and am now very sorry I had not seen this drink around. I thoroughly enjoyed the taste of it, poured in a tall icy glass during my breakfast.
I am totally impressed by this drink. The flavor, the can and the buzz were impressive, and the buzz from both the caffeine and the vitamins were enough to keep me going until lunchtime. It seems Budweiser (Busch) has taken up distribution of this, along with most of Hansen’s other beverages, so it might be easier to be found in your local drugstore/supermarket.A bigger question is this: Why was this a 15.5 oz. can? Are they saving money by not putting .5oz into their 16oz. can?

Taste: 8

There is no denying that this is great orange juice – only packed with enough gummy and sour to make it an invigorating breakfast drink. You can taste the apple, pear, peach, tangerine, pineapple, white grape juice used in it as well, so it tastes more like a sunny D that is actually full of juice – as opposed to orange flavored Kool-aid. the taurine also adds that gummy bear flavor that sets it apart from a normal breakfast juice – and the caffeine boost can get you moving too. This is one mixture that has all the right combinations – you can tell they did quite a lot of homework to make this taste so good. even people who don’t like energy drinks, like my mom, whom I forced to take a sip, thought it was pretty tasty.

While the initial buzz did not blast me off my feet, the natural sugars and vitamins helped get me moving, plus did not give me that crash I have some to expect these days. This is all 100% juice, so it is pretty good for you, and there is enough power in this to wake you up from your morning drowsy.

Packaging: 9
Love it – a big old orange with rays of light flying out of it – I wish it did not have such a silly name, but they went the way of Socko and created a very distinctive can that sets it apart from energy drinks and hopefully lands it straight in the juice section. This is not like Monster Kaos or other carbonated juice flavored drinks – this one was made for the juice aisle.

Website: :6
Not a bad site – for 2003. The type was all in apple fonts, and crappy ones as well. I did not feel like this was for an energy juice, more like a thrown together site that has not even been updated since 2005! Come on people, if Hansen is going to run you, Have them throw some merchandising money at you and get the monster team to drum up some cool for you.

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