I have always seen cans of this drink around – mainly in dollar stores or in sale bins across the state. Never one to pass
24:7 sugar free
I found these at the local Walgreens today – – looking like it might be something more than the cheapo energy drink it looked like.
Bud Extra
Now everyone knows the worst tasting, most overrated beer in the entire US is Bud, followed very closely by Coors, or keystone or what have
Archer Farms Tropical Fruit Energy Drink
OK – I like Target. I know they are a big ultra-even megaconglomerate and they do all sorts of stuff – jacking their prices and
Go Fast Energy light
Like so many energy drinks playing the dotcom game the founder of Go Fast energy drinks, Troy Widgery, stated in September that he’s now interested
Boa Energy Drink
I’m used to getting my Agave nectar through bottles of Sauza, my favorite spirit of choice. So when I saw BOA, I got pretty excited!
Joosed Orange can
This is the last of my Joosed flavors to try – having loved the Tropicool flavor and somehow managed to suck down the red cranberryish
Guru Juicy Tangerine enrgy Juice
First impression reminded me of those Juvex nectars found in the hispanic foods aisle. Very sticky and sweet. Tasted the orange, lemon and cane juices,
Monster Khaos
Here we are with another Hansen Monster Beverage, this time Kaos. This is from thes ame people who produce Rumba and Hansen energy, not to
Hydrive E energy drink
Ever feel like a Gatorade but need the caffeine too? This could easily take the place of all those bottles of Powerade you have lying