On my quest for the tastiest and most unique caffeine products, I have come across all sorts of interesting substances; things to slide under my
Xyience Xenergy Apple Jak’d
Before you start this review, please click on the youtube link to catch the right flavor for this applejacked drink. How many times have you,
Adrenalyn stack
Upon trying the newest drink in my stash, Adrenalyn Stack, I assumed it would either build up my adrenalin, or somehow help me stack stuff.
1in3 trinity energy drink
Do find yourself falling asleep when your pastor starts preaching like the Reverend Lovejoy? So you feel like something is missing from your Straight-Edge Xtreme
Rockstar Punched
I have been waiting to review this drink for some time. Rockstar Punched is definitely one of those tasty, soon to be classic energy drinks,
Dekavita C
A quick trip to my Asian grocer has turned up a real treat. Dekavita C, an energy drink made by Suntory, is a vitamin wonder
tango energy
Yum!If you are lucky enough to come across one of these cans from the Hansens family, don’t hesitate from slamming down this delicious non-carbonated juiciness.
Nitric Force
Stealing their name from what must be the discarded line of GI Joe toys, ABB, or American Body Building has released “Nitric Force, a pump
Mr. Energy 3 in 1 energy pills
The company behind 8- our energy pills have another more powerful, just released from the asylum insane cousin, called Mr. Energy 3 in 1. These
Stoked Wind Chill energy
As I mentioned before, Stoked energy drink, made by leading Brands out of Canada, failed hard and ended up filling the shelves of the super-discount